From CASA Volunteer Heard Floore:

Let me share a story with you – a story that has shaped my life purpose and led me to reach out to you today.

Ten years ago, I welcomed two teenage brothers into my home to provide them with the love and care they desperately needed. Little did I know that becoming a foster, and then adoptive, parent would mark the beginning of a profound journey.

As I became more involved in their lives, I learned about the challenges they faced within the foster care system. Witnessing their struggles ignited a fire in me to make a difference not just in their lives, but in the lives of other children facing similar hardships. This experience led me to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer, where I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of advocacy and compassionate care.

Now in the middle of my first case, I have watched my CASA children thrive in a safe and loving environment. I’m regularly inspired by their uncle, a single adult with no kids of his own, who has unconditionally accepted responsibility for these precious children.

One child—a five-year-old girl—is blossoming into a happy, playful kid in her new environment. She and her younger brother have rarely experienced the consistent and unconditional care of an adult in their lives until now. Being a reliable, caring presence in their lives has allowed me to build a meaningful, trusting and ongoing relationship with them. 

After one of my recent visits, this little girl ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, saying, “I love you and wish you lived here with us all the time.” It’s these heartfelt moments that reaffirm the impact we can have on a child’s life. With your help, we can break the cycles of abuse and trauma, and co-create healthier, happier lives for children in crisis.

I invite you to stand alongside me to make an impact in the lives of these vulnerable children.

I cannot do what I do without you. Because of you, we will reach more children in need, providing them with the hope and love they deserve. Together, we can be the guiding light in a child’s life, offering them a gift that will long outlast our presence on this earth. And isn’t that what we are here for?

Once a child in foster care… now a CASA volunteer

Mackenzie first met a tall man who would become her CASA volunteer when she was just five years old, living in the small town of North Pole, Alaska.

“He had curly hair that looked exactly like mine. I remember him kneeling down and talking to me,” she recalls. “He was so nice—and one of the few people who worked on my case that I have a distinct memory of.”

When Mackenzie’s world was big and confusing due to her parents’ court hearings, her CASA was the one adult who made the world feel less uncertain and scary.

“When you’re a child, you get dismissed a lot, and you have a lot of questions,” says Mackenzie. “It’s really nice to have someone check in with you, to allow you to communicate how you’re actually feeling, and to know that your voice matters.”

Years later and many miles from her Alaskan home, Mackenzie was studying communications at TCU and decided to join a sorority. She came across Kappa Alpha Theta and saw they support and fundraise for CASA of Tarrant County – a TCU Theta tradition since 1989. Once Mackenzie heard “CASA,” she knew she found her home on campus.

“We watched a video about a little boy and the monsters under the bed. And I remember sitting there and just crying throughout it because I knew exactly what that felt like,” Mackenzie recalls. “I said, I just miss my family. I miss my home. I don’t know what I’m doing here, but I know I need to be here.”

Today Mackenzie works within the legal system and is a CASA volunteer for three siblings, ranging from 3-13 years old. Because of generous support from donors like you, Mackenzie advocates for these siblings’ best interests and visits the children every month, listening to their fears and helping them feel brave. She helps the siblings’ grandparents navigate their new world of caring for three energetic kids by sharing resources like books and podcasts, and she advocates to teachers to address the kids’ reading challenges.

“The growth that they’ve had in a matter of months has been phenomenal,” says Mackenzie. “A little girl who barely talked to me the first time I met her is now so excited to see me. She runs up and wants to show me everything that’s going on in her little world.”

Her chance to bond with these children—and be a constant in their lives—has also inspired Mackenzie to stay connected to her own siblings, even though they are thousands of miles apart.

You care about children in our community who are looking for stability and a voice – just like Mackenzie. Like her, you want them to know they are going to be loved and cared for no matter what is happening in their lives.

Because of your kindness, advocates like Mackenzie can provide lasting, life-changing support to families in crisis. 

Mackenzie couldn’t have been a CASA volunteer and couldn’t have been that safe, consistent adult for the kids on her case without your help. 

Your support of CASA is transforming the lives of children and their families. Your compassion has already made a lasting impact on Mackenzie and the children she advocates for, and today, there is a child on our waiting list who needs you. A child like Mackenzie who is waiting for the tall grownup to visit her and help her feel brave.

Without generous support from donors, CASA cannot recruit, train, and match volunteers like Mackenzie to children on our waiting list. That child on our waiting list needs you to give them an advocate who will ensure their voice is heard in and out of the courtroom. 

You and your generosity inspire us to continue to provide a village of support for all children in Tarrant County who find themselves in the foster care system. 

Thank you—for every child’s life you have already impacted with your advocacy, and every life that continues to be transformed by your compassion.

You Make a Lasting Difference

“That was the moment I knew I had done something right.”

You made that lifechanging moment possible. Thank you!

At her lowest point, Sara didn’t think she would ever see this moment— reunited with her children.

Sara’s life was forever changed by having a CASA volunteer, Jasmin, who became a champion for Sara and her children. Sara acknowledges, “a lot in my life has changed for the better in the past 16 months.”

Your support of CASA is transforming the lives of children and their families. 

You make a lasting, positive difference. 

Jasmin has stayed in contact with Sara and her kids every week since they met over a year ago, checking in to see if they need anything, going to court, connecting them to health and housing resources, and even locating a double stroller that she delivered to the shelter when Lorelei and Ensley were returned to Sara’s care.

“Having someone standing with you in court on one of the scariest days you’ve ever had, speaking up for you and saying they’re proud of you, is empowering. I worked so hard for that moment, and I will never forget her support.”

“It was incredible to witness Sara’s transformation and baby Ensley’s growth. In my last few visits, I was able to see Ensley adjust to living with her mom and big sister, and Sara handled the transition with grace.” —Jasmin, CASA volunteer

Like CASA Jasmin, you care about kids like Lorelei and Ensley. 

For the first time in five years, Sara has a place of her own, steady employment, custody of her two young girls and weekend visits with her seven-year-old son, Braxton. She has watched joyfully as Braxton bonds with his two younger sisters. 

Your kindness made sure Sara’s children not only went home to their mom, they also kept their connection to countless relatives - providing lasting support.

“We’re a work in progress, but I’ll take all the chaos of us together over the moments without them any day,” Sara said. “Jasmin had to feel comfortable handing this little baby back to me, and I’m committed to showing my kids you can always make something of yourself.”

You know what that commitment is like. It’s your commitment to children like Braxton, Lorelei, and Ensley that has led to you being such a compassionate and generous donor. 

Jasmine couldn’t have been a CASA volunteer - couldn’t have been so consistently invested in their lives, without your help. 

Your compassion is helping Sara rewrite her future—for herself and her children.

Because you care, you offer Sara’s family and many others in this situation dignity and hope. You are a part of their journey to find a new normal. A safe space to land and to grow.

We want to say thank you—for every kid’s life you have already impacted with your advocacy, and every child’s life you continue to transform thanks to your compassionate care.

You inspire us to continue to fight for the future of all children who find themselves in the foster care system. 

The need is still great. Right now, another at-risk child is being removed from their home, and they need you to help them find a safer future. I am grateful to be able to see how much Braxton, Lorelei and Ensley have enjoyed being together in a safe home, and I am inspired by your commitment to see that many more children have this opportunity. 

John, Jason & Jacob’s Story

Your kindness changed Tammy’s family forever. Thank you for saying yes to a child who needs you!

Like you, Tammy couldn’t say no to a child in need. “Your sister’s just had a baby. Would you be willing to take him? You’ve got 24 hours to get here or we will place him in a foster family.” 

Tammy said yes and adopted her nephew Eric nearly two decades ago. But Tammy had to navigate the private adoption process by herself - without a CASA.

By the time Eric was 13, Tammy received another call. Her great-nephew John was removed due to abuse and neglect, and now he needed a home too. 

Tammy did everything she could to have John placed with her, but Tammy was unfamiliar with the foster care system and had no one to help her. Tammy asked around her community and was soon told that John needed a CASA volunteer

“I didn’t know a thing about CASA. [But] as soon as Ava got on the case, she was right here. She drove 300 miles just for this kid that she didn’t know.” Because of kind people like you, John was given a CASA volunteer named Ava. Now Tammy and John had someone to help them navigate the confusing child welfare system. 

CASA Ava drove to Tammy’s home and gathered information to help the judge decide if John should be placed with Tammy. Your kindness changed everything. CASA Ava advocated for John to go be placed with Tammy, and thanks to you, John finally went home with Tammy in October 2017!

We would never be able to do this without you. Your generosity gives families the help they need when they would otherwise face an overwhelming child welfare system without an advocate.

Right before John’s adoption was about to be finalized in summer 2018, Tammy received another call. “…there’s another baby. His name is Jason. He’s John’s little brother, and he was born early. He weighs 1 lb 1 oz. If he lives through the night, will you take him?” “I immediately called Ava, our CASA. She went right to the hospital.” Tammy couldn’t be with Jason every day since she lived hundreds of miles away, but because of you, Jason had someone to make sure he didn’t have to face the NICU alone. Ava rearranged her schedule so she could be at the hospital with Jason several times a week. 

You acted with courage and kindness – you said yes to a child in need. You gave the tiniest child a CASA volunteer so he wouldn’t have to be at the hospital alone. Because of your support, Jason was placed with his family after 6 months in the NICU. Jason and John were both adopted by Tammy on the same day.

A year later, Tammy received another unexpected call. “Another baby boy was just born. His name is Jacob, and
he’s Jason and John’s brother. Would you take him?” 
“I called Ava and said ‘okay, here we go!’”—Tammy

CASA Ava immediately jumped on Jacob’s case to help make sure he was placed with his brothers in Tammy’s home. Because of you, these brothers had someone there to speak up for them and keep them together. Tammy knew what it was like to have to face the child welfare system alone. 

She adopted Eric by herself without anyone to guide her. “Without a CASA, you don’t know any of that stuff. I could of never done it without Ava, without a CASA.”—Tammy

Because you said yes to a child in need, brothers Eric, John, Jason, and Jacob get to grow up together, and Tammy now has four sons she calls her own.

Your hardest moment in life...did you face it alone? Just as Tammy said she couldn’t have adopted her sons without a CASA - we can’t give Tarrant County kids a CASA without you. Thank you for changing their lives and filling their futures with caring people like you.

Malik’s Story

“I never stopped praying this day would come.” You know what it’s like – to wait, in times of uncertainty.

Malik entered foster care in 2013, moving from home to home without stability since he was six years old. When Brenda met Malik as a CASA volunteer, she made a promise to be the constant presence in Malik’s life that he deserved. She’s been by his side for half a decade.

“One day Malik was changing foster homes, and I went to visit. I saw this little boy with a trash bag with his clothes in it, and I said, I’m not ever going to leave this little boy. I’m going to be with him for the rest of his life. He didn’t need another foster home. He needed me.” —Brenda, CASA volunteer

“Whenever I’m having trouble or having bad days, I always have someone I can talk to. She’s my GG now.” —Malik, age 15

Like Brenda, you care about kids like Malik. You are committed to ensuring all kids have access to a loving, permanent home. Brenda’s commitment to Malik meant that she continued to advocate for him even when she had to relocate out of state during the pandemic. She never gave up hope that Malik would find a place to call home.

Brenda couldn’t have made a long-term commitment to be part of Malik’s life without your help. Your compassion is helping Malik rewrite his future. Because you care, you offer Malik and many other kids in foster care hope. 

You are a part of their journey to find a new normal. A safe space to land and to grow.

Because of your generosity, Malik met Roderick, a school bus driver and single dad who adopted Malik last month. 

And because of your support, Malik celebrated the big day with his new “GG” Brenda who flew in to be with Malik in person for the adoption hearing.

You have already made a lasting impact on Malik’s future, and there are more children in care who need you. 

We want to say thank you—for every kid’s life you have already impacted with your advocacy, and every child’s life you continue to transform thanks to your compassionate care.

You choose to champion kids like Malik. We can’t do it without you. Because of you, Malik has a CASA volunteer and a new adoptive family.

Without you, where would Malik be? We are so glad you are here.You are building a brighter future for children who are at risk.

You give with your heart. And you inspire us to continue to fight for the future of all children who find themselves in the foster care system, whether it’s for a few months or several years. Your kindness is needed today, urgently. Right now, another at-risk child is being removed from their home, and they need you to help them find a safer future where they can fulfill their potential in a loving, stable environment.

I am grateful to see how much Malik blossomed in his forever home, and I am inspired by your commitment to see more children have the same opportunity Malik did. I am thankful to see your generosity living in the smiles of every child we serve. THANK YOU for allowing us to partner with you in creating this legacy for the future of our children.

Mary Joy’s Story

“Standing in the middle of chaos” That’s how Mary Joy described her experience in foster care.

You have more in common with foster children than you may realize.

Like you, Mary Joy didn’t have a choice – she had to be brave in the middle of chaos. After her mother died when Mary Joy was 8 years old, her father’s alcohol use spiraled and reached a boiling point. Mary Joy was removed from her father and placed in foster care - the summer before her sophomore year of high school.

Her whole world was shaken.

At first, Mary Joy was relieved to be in a safe home and live with her older brother David and his wife Elizabeth. However, Mary Joy thought the move would be temporary – she thought she’d return home before the summer was over, in time to play on her JV volleyball team. At the time, no one knew there was no “normal” for Mary Joy to go back to, that she’d never return to her childhood home.

Mary Joy looked to David and Elizabeth, the only people she knew who were still in her life, for answers. They were as unsure as she was. Soon, Mary Joy was surrounded by countless strangers – new caseworkers, new teachers, new classmates – no one who knew her could tell her everything would be okay. None of the adults could tell Mary Joy when the uncertainty and chaos would be over.

“It felt like purgatory.” Her short life had been saturated with uncertainty and instability. She wanted to make friends at her new school, but should she even bother if she would return home soon? Mary Joy was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

You know what Mary Joy felt like - unsure of what her life would look like, if another change would come. Mary Joy needed someone to be by her side – someone she could depend on, to listen to her, and help her learn how to be brave when she was scared. 


...Mary Joy found stability and trust while standing in the middle of chaos. The kindness of donors like you gave Mary Joy a CASA volunteer named Nicole within two weeks of being removed from her dad’s house. 

CASA Nicole got to know Mary Joy over the summer before Mary Joy started at her new high school. Mary Joy shared with CASA Nicole what she went through, and CASA Nicole listened with compassion. CASA Nicole sat with Mary Joy as she shared her fears about her new school, her nervousness about not making friends or the volleyball team, and her confusion about what was going on with her court case or if she’d ever return home. 

Because of you, Mary Joy didn’t have to walk through uncertainty or chaos alone. You gave her an advocate.

Even as she adjusted to her new school, your kindness meant Mary Joy had someone to listen to her. Mary Joy could be open and honest with CASA Nicole about her fears, her grief, and her life goals. Processing and practicing how to navigate her emotions with her CASA gave Mary Joy the skills to bravely face new fears and uncertainties waiting for her. 

CASA Nicole stayed with Mary Joy until Mary Joy left foster care two years later. Mary Joy was able to stay with her brother David and his wife Elizabeth as she graduated high school with college credits in tow. Because of CASA Nicole’s advocacy, Mary Joy was able to receive a laptop, books for dual credit, SAT prep, and played on a club volleyball team – all the important things that helped Mary Joy feel like she was getting a normal high school experience even though she was in foster care. CASA Nicole was Mary Joy’s advocate in and out of the courtroom and her cheerleader on and off the court. 

Because of donors like you, Mary Joy received the support and advocacy she needed to reach her potential. She will become the first person in her family to graduate from college and is currently a student nurse on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Because of your support, Mary Joy learned how to be brave navigating life’s uncertainties. Her experience with her mother’s death from cancer at such a young age led her to nursing school, and the skills and confidence she learned navigating the uncertainty and instability of foster care taught her how to be brave in a crisis, equipping her with the calm confidence she needs to care for all of us during the COVID-19 pandemic. While she wanted predictability when she was in foster care, today she enjoys new, challenging experiences. 

As we wrap up 2021, we are thankful for donors like you who have stood by us during such a difficult and trying time. We know, just as you were there for Mary Joy, you’ll be there for another child who entered foster care – a child who doesn’t know what their future may bring but knows that there will be a safe and caring adult like you to help them be brave through uncertainty.

Thank you for being that constant support for our community’s abused and neglected children. Click here to pledge your support.

P.S. Mary Joy has been studying nursing and will graduate from college in a few months. She says, “because of the support of my CASA, I’m where I’m supposed to be.” Who knows how many people Mary Joy has already helped during her nursing career and will continue to help in the future - all because someone like you gave to CASA of Tarrant County.

Ava’s Story

    “It’s 100% possible to fall in love with a child you’ve never met.” —Cat, CASA Volunteer

You’ve felt the fear and anger that struck us to the core over this last year. Frustration and grief over problems you wish you could fix but didn’t know where to begin. What do you do? 


Cat shared in your sadness. She knew she couldn’t let kids fall through the cracks of the foster care system. Like you, she chose to give herself to our kids. Thank you for giving them your heart!

“I felt powerless. I literally googled ‘how to help a kid in foster care’ and was flooded with stories about the good CASA has done – I have been on the ride of my life ever since.” Cat has been Ava’s CASA volunteer since 2020, and because of your support, she channeled her sense of powerlessness into generosity. 

Ava entered foster care as a teenager after abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Ava’s CASA volunteer, Cat, is working to find a permanent home for Ava before Ava turns 18 and “ages out” of foster care. Cat is a critical support of consistency and urgency in getting Ava’s needs met before it’s too late. Cat couldn’t have become a CASA without you. Instead of feeling powerless, you put your compassion into action. Your compassion is transforming Ava’s life. Cat has been the one person Ava has confided in. “I feel like Cat is the only one who cares about me and listens to me.” – Ava, age 17.

You are there. You are a part of their journey – 
…from putting their treasures, stuffed animals, and clothes into a trash bag,
…to unpacking and hanging up photos in their forever home.

Cat 3 - extra points for cute dog.jpg

Because you care, you give kids like Ava dignity and hope. Even little things like brightening Ava’s day by video chatting with Cat’s dog, named Moose. That consistent contact and encouragement to keep Ava going – you make it all possible. Ava will feel the impact of your kindness throughout her life.

Because of you…
Cat’s advocacy resulted in a judge ordering Ava into a safer foster care placement,
Ava is now moving into a therapeutic placement to support her trauma needs,
Ava is receiving therapy to heal and recover from her abuse,
Cat is working to find a family to surround Ava with support for the rest of her life.

You fight the loneliness Ava feels today with your donation. Your generosity makes a lasting impact in Ava’s life. All the help Ava receives is born out of your compassion for a scared girl in foster care. You give these kids your heart. We are inspired by every smile spreading across a kid’s face, by every life you transform. Thank you for touching their lives!

A child like Ava was taken out of their home and placed in foster care yesterday, right in your backyard. They are a part of a drastic increase in children entering foster care in 2021 because of the emotional and mental turmoil we all felt this past year.

As heartbreaking as their stories are, we are inspired by your commitment to children in foster care. We are thankful to see your generosity in every child served: We see your fingerprints in the life of Ava. Thank you for letting us be a part of your legacy of kindness.

P.S. Your gift makes an immediate difference. Ava was living hundreds of miles away last year, but with Cat’s advocacy, Ava is now coming home to Tarrant County where she’ll be closer to family. Your compassion makes visible differences in the lives of children in need! 



You know what this feels like. 

“I’ll do anything to see my family.” 

Tragically we all know too well what it feels like to be separated from loved ones. 

What we have experienced in 2020 is so similar to the heartbreak families involved in the foster care system go through. 

Families like Justine’s. 

“It broke my heart to be separated from my kids.”

Justine had done everything she could to shelter her young children – two-year-old Camden and baby Isabella - from her husband’s violent anger. Justine walked on eggshells, applied extra make-up to hide the purple and green bruises, and smiled in public. She was isolated and led to believe if she kept her husband’s violence a secret, she could minimize his outbursts and shield her children from the blows. 

One day, the violence spilled out onto two-year-old Camden. Child Protective Services removed the children and placed them in foster care. 

Justine was alone.

The family violence isolated Justine. She did everything she could to keep her children safe. Once her children were removed, she was alone and undone. She didn’t know what to do. 

Your kindness found a way. Donors gave Justine’s family a CASA volunteer and made sure Justine wasn’t alone anymore. 

CASA volunteer Vickey was assigned to the case and persisted in breaking down the isolation that kept Justine and her family at arms’ length from social support and safety. Through perseverance, CASA Vickey was able to visit Justine before CPS was. 

Your generosity can bring relief to so many hurting families!

CASA Vickey could feel that something was going on when she first saw Justine: in Justine’s face, CASA Vickey saw so much fear. Vickey gently looked Justine in the eye and said “I know.”

Justine broke down in tears, and the abuse she kept secret for so long spilled out. Justine felt like she could open up to CASA Vickey: she told the CASA that she tried to shield everyone from the violence, hoping her husband would change. CASA Vickey and Justine spoke with the CPS caseworker, and Justine was safely escorted to a shelter for women experiencing intimate partner violence.

Your support can keep families safe!

Justine was 19 years old, living by herself for the first time in her life. She didn’t have a car or a job in the beginning, but she quickly did all she could to get her kids back: she transitioned out of the shelter and into a housing program, completed counseling, and worked on building up her self-esteem. At 19, Justine got a new job, a new car, and a new apartment all within six months. “Everything was lining up so I could get them back.” 

Your generosity can keep families together!

Justine said she remembers CASA volunteer Ms. Vickey “would always check on me, ask how I was doing. She’d always call to see if I was okay. She’d ask how the visits were going and about counseling. She was so helpful in communicating the timeline and process, explaining how everything would go if I did what I needed to do to get my babies back.” 

None of this was easy, but you made sure Justine and her family didn’t have to face their grief or separation alone. 

Where would Justine be without the generosity of volunteers and donors?

The stress of COVID-19 is crashing down on vulnerable families like Justine’s, driving them further into isolation, dangerous abuse, and grief. CASA is assigning new volunteers to as many children as possible at all hours of the day, but we still have over 500 children in need of a champion to speak up for them. Will you give children like baby Isabella and big brother Camden a CASA? Will you help make sure they and their families don’t have to face foster care alone?



In 2003, one-year-old Madeline’s mother was struggling with drug use. As a result, Madeline was placed with relatives, and her parents were told they couldn’t contact her or see her ever again.

“First two years after we lost her, I cried every day. Every day. My God, what has happened? I battled with that for a longtime. I assumed that was the way it was going to be and I’d have to wait until she was an adult before I could contact her.”

Madeline re-entered foster care when she was sixteen. After a couple months in care, Madeline tracked down her father’s phone number and asked if she could live with him.

“I said absolutely. I had my life great, my life going for me, nice house, so he said absolutely, let’s get the ball rolling.” Chris went above and beyond in what he needed to do to get his daughter back. All this happened while Chris lived out of state, and CASA volunteer Loretta and the CPS worker worked to make sure he had all the information and assistance he needed to navigate the court process.  

Madeline has lived with her dad since school started in 2019. She finished out the school year and graduated from high school in 2020. Chris said “She’s got a job, and she’s trying to save up so she can prove she can pay for car insurance before we get her a car.” CASA is thrilled this family is back together again. We wish Chris and all fathers a very Happy Father’s Day!



“You’re telling me this little girl has no one?”

The Judge couldn’t believe it. Millie was in foster care for two years, and no one could find a family for her. At two years old, Millie was alone and her future was uncertain.

Because of generous donors like you, Millie had a CASA volunteer to make sure she didn’t fall through the cracks of an overwhelmed child welfare system. Millie’s CASA volunteer, Laura, wasn’t giving up on finding a permanent home for this precious child.

You would love Millie – everyone does. A sweet, smiling two-year-old with blonde curls, she would show you her shoes soon after meeting you. She loves shopping for shoes and delights in changing them 2-3 times a day.

She would talk to you like she had always known you, but she wouldn’t show you her true feelings – foster care does that to kids. You could tell strangers were Millie’s normal. She moved to so many different foster homes in her first two years of life. At even two years old, she would say “Good bye! Nice meeting you!” She used that phrase a lot in foster care.

Like you, CASA Laura wanted more for Millie. She wasn’t giving up on her.

Because of your caring generosity, CASA kept searching to find family for Millie. Children like Millie need people like you and me to exhaust all options to find them a safe, permanent family.

With your support, CASA found relatives who could be that forever home for this sweet little girl. You ended her uncertainty and made sure she wouldn’t be alone again.

Because of friends like you, she was adopted by her relatives in September! Within weeks of the adoption, Millie blossomed in her permanent home. “You’re my mommy, you’re my daddy,” she tells her parents with a grin from ear to ear.

“She’s more affectionate…at first she didn’t show her emotions, now she does. I think she finally feels safe,” mom Sharon told staff.

Because of you, Millie now has someone rocking her to sleep every night. Instead of having strangers put her to bed at night, her forever parents are now brushing her teeth and putting on her pajamas every evening. She loves going to high school football games in their small town where everyone knows and loves her. All because of you. 



Severe physical abuse. Brothers searching for a safe home.

“Based on all their bruises, I’m worried about these kids,” an anonymous reporter told Child Protective Services in 2016. When CPS investigated the home of Jack and Nolan, they found malnourished children too small for their age.


When asked how they got their scars, the boys tried to say they fell - off their bikes, out of bed, while running - but they eventually ran out of explanations. The physical abuse was so severe it wasn’t safe for either boy to remain in their home.

They needed help to recover from the memories that haunted them daily. Jack and Nolan were bound to constant nightmares and burdened with anxiety and psychological scars. Having been brought up in a home environment riddled with evil, they never understood what a healthy relationship looks like. They fought tirelessly to stay connected as brothers. With so many needs in an overburdened child welfare system, they needed a CASA.

Husband and wife team, CASA volunteers Jim and Patricia, made it their mission to keep these siblings connected in their journey towards a stable life. Trained by CASA in trauma and its effects, they knew their brotherly bond was essential to their growth and recovery. CASAs Jim and Patricia worked with CPS to find the right families who could take the children and continue their path towards healing. “One of the kid’s biggest fear is that they’d keep getting moved again and again” said Jim. They knew if the boys couldn’t be adopted together, they would need to maintain relationships that are essential to the children’s growth.

Although they were adopted separately, Jack and Nolan were able to play a part in choosing their forever home. Their families frequently gathered to celebrate birthdays, share dinners, and get togethers – connecting two families forever. “Jack was shy…once you got to know him, he opened up and was so friendly. He opened up even more once he was in his adoptive home,” said CASA Jim. When it came time for the adoptions on National Adoption Day, the CASAs not only became their voice, but part of their family.

“The beauty of this story is the kids went to the right place. The boys went to two fantastic families who are connected to each other and are willing to keep that connection,” Jaime Hernandez, CASA Supervisor.

P.S. When asked how life is, Jack’s adoptive mom relishes in the fact her family chose to adopt Jack and Jack chose them. Jack did not make the choice to be abused or neglected, or to be removed from his family. He did, however, get to choose his adoptive family. Whenever Jack acts like a typical 14-year-old teenage boy, his mother reminds him: “Well, you chose us!” and Jack can’t help but smile.


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When 5 month old twins, Chloe and Catie, and big brother Cole were taken to the hospital, doctors saw bruises, cuts, and scrapes. Chloe was rushed into ICU, and once stabilized, doctors discovered she had experienced severe head trauma, brain damage, and permanent vision loss. Detectives determined mom Crystal’s boyfriend hurt their children while she was at work. Estranged from her family, Crystal found herself alone when she and her children needed support more than ever.

That’s when CASA volunteers John and Jenifer stepped in. Together with CPS, John and Jenifer reached out to some of Crystal’s other family members to find support for the children. Initially some family members thought that due to Crystal’s young age and lack of support, the children would be better off staying with their foster family rather than going back to their mom. But CASAs John and Jenifer saw what many didn’t: a mother who could turn her life around for her children, if only she had the right support. With CASA’s help, a few supporting Crystal in the beginning grew to eleven a few months later.

With family support and CASAs who believed she could do it, Crystal went above and beyond in completing CPS required services. She went to parenting classes and asked “what else can I take?” Crystal not only completed parenting classes and counseling, she got her own apartment, full time job, and embraced the family supporting her and her three young children.

CASA was the catalyst in connecting the mom to family and keeping family members engaged during the long court case. Now that Crystal is a single-mom of three children, one with special needs, the support of her family continues to provide the best possible life for her and her children.

P.S. When CASA spoke with her last, Crystal talked about bedtimes, packing lunches, and laying out clothes for Chloe, Catie, and Cole. After chaos and fear, they are all enjoying a routine as a reunited family.



At one year old, Jacob’s only clothing was a pair of overalls. He had no socks or shoes. His little sister, Amaya, was a four-pound newborn going through withdrawals from opioids, easily startled and with tense muscles. With their mother struggling with homelessness and addiction, CPS knew a CASA volunteer was needed to speak up for these vulnerable children and help find the best solution in a complex situation.


CASA volunteer Gay stepped forward to be a voice for Jacob and Amaya. Gay spent time with Jacob and Amaya every other week and advocated for them to receive early intervention services needed to overcome the medical problems and developmental delays caused by their abuse and neglect. Over time, she watched them grow and thrive in a safe home. She held Jacob’s hand as he sat through his asthma treatment and Amaya felt heavier and heavier in Gay’s arms until she was strong enough to sit up and start crawling.

Eventually CPS knew they would need to find a family to adopt Jacob and Amaya, and since their CASA Gay knew them so well, she was able to help CPS find the perfect family to fit Jacob and Amaya’s special needs. After a year in foster care, these children were adopted into their forever family.

Their CASA volunteer, Gay, was the most consistent person in their young lives and was there to help the children transition to their foster placement. During the thirteen months they were in foster care they lived in three different foster homes, had three different CPS workers, but only one CASA. When one of Jacob and Amaya’s foster families took in a new baby boy, the foster mother called CASA of Tarrant County and asked if Gay could be the CASA volunteer for the new baby.

Gay said yes. 

Yes to a child in need.

What do you say?



Blake’s first confirmed case of abuse was the day he was born when his little body tested positive for drugs. At age 4, he was abused again before being adopted by a relative. Tragically, he continued to be abused and neglected and was eventually placed in foster care at age 15. For 11 years, this child endured the darkest pain, and as a teen, he was isolated and alone. With no clear sources of family support other than his teenage sister Erin, he was expected to age out of foster care unless someone intervened and spoke for him. That’s when he met his CASA volunteer, Steve.

Steve began working tirelessly to find a way out of foster care for Blake. When Blake’s behavior worsened he was sent to live in a Residential Treatment Center, four hours away from Erin. That’s when Blake gave up all hope- “I knew I was probably looking at a bad future.” But behind the scenes, his CASA Steve was Blake’s champion, making sure he wasn’t lost to his family. Steve refused to let another teenager get lost in the system. Blake said he knew Erin, now 21, was his last hope for getting out of foster care. “She was my angel.”

For Erin, her “worst fear was that he would get stuck in foster care.” Once she turned 21, she wanted to become Blake’s permanent home, but she didn’t know how to become an approved placement. This is where Steve stepped in. Steve helped Erin navigate the CPS system to bring Blake home, and his advocacy finally gave Blake hope for a brighter future. Thanks to the commitment of his CASA volunteer, Blake was able to move in with Erin the day after school was out this summer. Your donation gives children like Blake the critical voice they need in foster care!

P.S. Blake is now a happy teenager living with his sister. “Some people think living in the mountains or by the beach is paradise. To me, this is paradise.” – Blake



Thanks to her CASA Karman and Caseworkers, Aurora and her siblings were reunited and adopted together!



Thanks to his CASA Tricia, Bryan is now treasured by his new family and is progressing physically and developmentally!


Born prematurely.

Severe medical problems. 

Multiple foster homes. 

A lifetime of uncertainty.

Two-year-old Mya was born prematurely and spent the first two months of her life in the NICU. She suffered brain damage, severe infections, and the threat of blindness before her first birthday. When she entered foster care at 13-months-old, Mya was unable to walk, speak or eat on her own. Her extensive medical needs required nearly full-time care. In the span of six months, she had been placed in three different foster homes. 

That’s where CASA came in. Elizabeth was a court-appointed Advocate whose singular goal was to make a recommendation to the judge as to the best place for Mya to live. Elizabeth worked tirelessly with Mya’s case workers, attorney, medical team, and foster parents to ensure all of her medical needs were met. She was the one consistent adult during that traumatic time. Elizabeth ultimately recommended to the court that Mya be adopted, and was thrilled to learn that Jenny and Matt Jennings would be Mya’s forever family. 

Jenny said, “Elizabeth gave me hope for better days to come.” At Mya’s adoption, her new parents officially changed her name to Mya Elizabeth, in honor of her CASA volunteer. Elizabeth now knows, “that Mya changed my life.”

Every donation gives children like Mya the voice of a CASA volunteer while in foster care. During an uncertain time in their lives, you can give them the gift of hope in the form of a consistent, caring adult.

P.S. With regular medical treatment, Mya is thriving. Her parents proudly report she can now walk without assistance, say a few words, and sign to communicate!


In foster care by age four. 

Severe physical abuse. 

Deep emotional scars. 

Heartbroken and afraid.

Little Kai endured years of abuse at the hands of his mother’s boyfriends. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder before he even started Pre-K. By the time he entered foster care, his exposure to a lifetime of violence made him timid, withdrawn, and fearful. That’s when CASA volunteer Diane stepped in!

Diane served as Kai’s CASA volunteer for the length of his case. She worked tirelessly with his case workers, attorney, therapists, biological family, and foster family. She visited Kai 27 times. During a trial that lasted over a week, Diane was a critical voice for Kai’s best interests and provided key testimony to help the judge make the most informed decision. She was a constant in his life, giving him a voice when he needed one the most.  

His case was complex, and Kai was not able to be adopted until all appeals had been exhausted. The Appeals Court ultimately decided to uphold the judge’s ruling—Kai was allowed to be adopted! The court appreciated Diane’s extensive interaction with him and cited her strong credibility as a witness. Her advocacy truly changed the course of his life.

Your donation gives children like Kai the critical voice they need while in foster care!

P.S. Kai is now thriving in a loving home full of siblings and laughter. His PTSD symptoms have improved, he excels in school, and he loves Superheroes, especially Spiderman!