What made you decide to become a CASA? I truly believe every child deserves the chance to have a bright future.  A CASA volunteer in my Facebook network shared posts about the organization, and I was inspired to serve as the voice of the child 

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA? I am a new volunteer, and have had 2 cases of younger children.  The most rewarding part is helping and seeing them “be a child” despite what they have experienced

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case. With the help of CASA I signed up one child in a little league baseball and another child in piano lessons.  I very much looked forward to watching them play baseball and playing a song on the piano

What is your favorite way to connect with your CASA kid(s)? Since both of my cases are younger children, I bring board games, coloring books on my visits so I can engage with the children in a playful setting.  That has helped form a connection and they know I am there to support them

Why do you think having a CASA volunteer throughout such a chaotic time is important for foster children? I believe it is important for the children to know there are people on their side, whose primary concerns are to care about their well-being.  There might have been changes in their lives, but a CASA volunteer is a constant presence they can depend on.