Please write a short message of support for volunteers. You, the volunteers, are the mission of CASA. I have lived and worked in Tarrant County for 24 years, supporting great people like you who are looking out for hundreds of children in our community brings me joy and humbles me to serve on the board.

What are you involved with CASA? The children of Tarrant County. To me, taking care of the next generation of our community is not important - it is critical. The next generation is my hope. 

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? I have known CASA since I was in college. Finding ways to make a difference for a family and in a child's life is something I have pursued from college through my professional life with volunteer opportunities through the Junior League of Fort Worth and the Ronald McDonald House. Being asked to serve on the CASA of Tarrant County Board links my past to current and allows me to best employ my talents and my time. 

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA? The volunteers. They are dedicated, selfless, and working to make our community a better place for children who are legally removed from their homes in order to protect them from future injury. Watching new volunteers at the monthly swearing in ceremony makes me proud to serve CASA and reinforces why they are so important. 

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? The CASA mission and organization fills a gap in our community. Lawyers and case workers can change over the course of a child's experience in the judicial system, but CASA’s play a consistent role in the children’s lives they serve. CASA volunteers stay with a child until they are in a safe place where they are cared for, seen and heard. No other organization, public or private, does this. Today CASA of Tarrant County serves approximately 65% of the children in these situations. Imagine supporting an organization that could serve 100% of those children in need.